'You pay for sex somehow, no matter what it is': Sugar daddy, 63, and his 21-year-old girlfriend on money, shopping and what goes on in the bedroom

 The term 'sugar daddy' is older even than as its protagonist but the romantic and financial dynamics between an old man and his arm candy are rarely discussed openly.
Now though, 63-year-old Tommy and his 'sugar baby', Monte have spilled the beans on the ins and outs of their arrangement (no pun intended).

Tommy and Monte, 21, have been 'sugar dating' for two years during which time he has paid for her college tuition and bought her expensive clothes, while she has provided him with company and sexual favours.

Sweet treat: Tommy, 63, and Monte, 21, are a sugar daddy and 
'sugar baby' whose relationship is based on companionship and sex in 
exchange for money and perks
Sweet treat: Tommy, 63, and Monte, 21, are a sugar daddy and 'sugar baby' whose relationship is based on companionship and sex in exchange for money
Talk about perks: Tommy checks out the newly enhanced assets of 
his 'companion' that he paid for along with her college tuition and 
Talk about perks: Tommy checks out the newly enhanced assets of his 'companion' that he paid for along with her college tuition and clothes
Monte, however, isn't Tommy's only girlfriend of this variety; he has six others, all of whom enjoy the same benefits in exchange for providing him with what he refers to as 'companionship'.
After finding Monte on SeekingArrangement.com, Tommy now spends about $5,000 a month on her alone which, with an estimated $150,000 annual budget for his 'babies', is perhaps an indicator of how happy he is with the lithe brunette.

In an interview with ABC, he compared walking into a room with Monte to pulling up in a really nice car.
'There are sugar babies on different levels,' he explained. 'You know, you've got your Walmart sugar babies and you've got your Neiman Marcus sugar babies and it's which ones you want to shop at.'

For her part, the young student sees an unmissable opportunity to finish college debt-free while being treated to all the perks a girls loves such as free clothes and of course, a breast enhancement.

Enlarge   All business: Men can find 'sugar babies' on this site where 
students from schools like NYU and Harvard are known to have posted 
All business: Men can find 'sugar babies' on this site where students from schools like NYU and Harvard are known to have posted profiles
Monte, who would only be filmed in profile, recalled the deal they brokered: 'He's like, "I could help you get through school easy and you just travel with me, have fun, be around me and just keep me company," and I said, "sure! You're going to pay for my school?"'

Plus, she said, with Tommy's life experience and social smarts, she is fast becoming a more sophisticated and worldly woman than before she met him.
'[He] taught me how to golf, cook, be a classy woman,' she explained. 'He's just transformed me back to something I've always wanted to become.'

Though Tommy admitted that without the promise of sex, he wouldn't invite Monte to spend time with him or give her any money, both insist their relationship is not prostitution.
'It is what it is,' responded Monte. 'We all mature and I know I'm gonna be old one day and I hope I get lovin' too.'

'I've got my rent paid, I just got some brand new boobs... Life's great!'
Tommy's perspective was slightly different: 'If we're talking about money exchanged for sex, I don't see that this way. It's just not "wham, bam, thank you, ma'am."'

And in what could have been taken as a stab at his three ex-wives, he added: 'You know, you pay somehow somewhere for sex no matter what it is. They say wives do it for refrigerators.'

A retired IT executive, Tommy had two adult children before he opted for this 'sugar dating' arrangement where romance barely plucks the string of a fiddle to sex.
But the deal has its emotional toll on Monte who does sometimes worry about the implications of being a 'kept' woman.

'Sometimes it gets to me to know that he is my only way of income and that makes me feel like you know, I'm not really doing anything,' she confessed. 

An old pro: Olympia is 24 and has been 'sugar dating' since she 
was 19 to pay for broadcasting college and more
A pro: Olympia is 24 and has been 'sugar dating' since she was 19 to pay for broadcasting college and more
Multitasking: Olympia meets one of her sugar daddies moments 
before she gets on a flight to spend a weekend with another
Multitasking: Olympia meets one of her sugar daddies moments before she gets on a flight to spend a weekend with another
For 24-year-old Olympia, who has been 'sugar dating' since she was 19, the only downside is loneliness.

'It does get lonely for me because that person can't always be there for me when I need them to be,' she said, though to which of her multiple sugar daddies she was referring, was unclear.
Meanwhile the 'college baby' pays 100per cent of her broadcasting school tuition in Denver from the money she gets given by her Secret Arrangement companions.

And when she's really lucky, like when she meets up with Mormon, Kenny, she doesn't even have to sleep with them for the pay-off. 
'I've got my rent paid for up to a year,' she gushed. 'All the cars I've had, have been paid for by sugar daddies. I've gotten to go to the Caribbean.
'I've gotten to travel all across the nation. I just got some brand new boobs. Life's great.'


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